Lord Awesome and the Ninjas
Thursday, September 04, 2003
I just saw a commercial. An odd commercial. It was for Crest Night Effects. Some woman was dreaming, and all of a sudden she was riverdancing with William Shatner. Not only that, an infinite number of Shatners. It was just this line of Shatners wearing white suits that went on forever. Infinite William Shatners riverdancing. I mean, that's something that would come out of MY head. So who thought that up?
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
I'm sometimes asked (mostly from people that are thinking about moving in with a roommate for the first time) about how I get along with my roommate, how things work, how groceries and food are separated or if they even are separated, etc. Common questions like that. Well, it's very easy actually. Any food in the fridge or freezer that's mine has a penis drawn on it in sharpie. Everything that's not mine does not have one. I would reccommend this practice to any potential roommates to prevent any disagreements about what belongs to whom.

One of our two dogs, the tiny little boston terrier, has some serious issues. It has never been beaten or hit or harmed in any way, yet it's constantly terrified of all three of us. It has been shown nothing but kindness, encouragement, praise, and constant attention, but it still cowers and shivers when you walk near it. In fact, it gets so scared that if you try to pet it or approach it, the dog will pee itself. And we know for a fact it wasn't abused when young because they got it as a virtual newborn. Well it was in the kitchen tonight eating. I walked in the kitchen to get something, and when I saw the dog I pointed at it and said "Hey freak!" and tried to reach down to pet it. She proptly emptied her ENTIRE bladder on the kitchen floor. I was very confused, and left the kitchen. It just sat there, watching me leave and shivering. Well, my roommate figured that since it had already peed all there was to pee, he could now discipline the dog without it getting scared and making more of a mess to clean up. He said "Bad dog!" Upon hearing this, the dog promptly squatted and took a shit and then shivered some more.

That's right, it got scared and pooped itself. I've never heard of that. Pissing yourself when scared, yeah. But never actually having the shit scared out of you.

Currently listening to:

Dream Theater - Hollow Years
Pantera - Walk

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