Lord Awesome and the Ninjas
Saturday, August 30, 2003
I have returned, from what.. an 11 or 12 day sabbatical from this thing? Anyways.
OK update: I'm back in school at WCJC on TTH from 12:00 to 2:55pm. I wanted more classes, but by the time I was able to register there were only 2 classes available that I could fit into my schedule that also go towards my major. Damn, I need to do some summer school to catch up. I may change my major next time I register when I talk to the registration counselor, as apparently all I can do with an English degree is teach. Or so I keep hearing from people.
I'm told that Allen Ragasa, Keith Davis, Christen Richardson, Shannon Klayman, Drew Comer, Marcos Hernandez and others all are enrolled at the Sugar Land WCJC, but I never see any of them because I don't have similar class times. Oh well.
I keep debating whether or not to transfer to Katy Mills as a manager. I've decided I'm going to look around here this semester to see if I can find a job that would pay me the same (or maybe more) but without the 30-40 minute drive to Katy every day. If I can't, I might think about transferring after Christmas. But for sure, I will be at AMC First Colony at least until Lord of the Rings 3 comes out in December. It's going to rock like nothing has ever rocked before.
I haven't been seeing Allen, Phil and the gang nearly as much lately, but I've been busy. That and I've been talking to some different people at work lately.
My roommate Ryan started work at AMC as Johnny's replacement. It's fun for me to see him around, but probably not for anyone else. He's quiet and not very social, so he won't have a conversation with many of you. Just don't take it personally, he's like that with everyone. And he is not my brother. Long hair does not mean we're related.
I'm going to a wedding in October. I'll try and remember to show everyone the pictures I'm inevitably going to take of myself headbanging in a tuxedo, or possibly posing in kung fu stances in a tuxedo. Hopefully I'll only have to take one "nice, spiffy-looking" one for mom and whatnot. Oh and is anyone up for a laugh? You have ONE guess what my function is at the wedding. Think irony. Yes that's right, I'm going to be an USHER at the wedding. Cute, isn't it?
The A/C in my car died a few days ago. It's really not funny anymore. It gets so hot in the car you can hardly breathe.
I'm about to watch The Punisher on DVD, and the main menu screen is strange. It's Dolph Lundgren's face with this flaming background, and Dolph's eyes look very weird and trance-like and he's looking at me and I don't like it.
Ok that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to update more often. Everyone went blog crazy for a while about a month or 2 ago, and now some of the people have more or less abandoned thier blog. I just kinda joined the pack, thinking if they weren't updating then they probably weren't reading mine either. But hey I'll update anyways.
Currently listening to:
Radiohead - True Love Waits
Killswitch Engage - When Darkness Falls (from Freddy vs. Jason soundtrack)
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Jesus FUCKING Christ. I bought a webcam today and tried to get it to work but it just wasn't happening. I have no idea what I was doing wrong, or if I even did anything wrong. Some kind of driver problem nonsense, it wouldn't even recognize that it was plugged in. I think when my computer has problems coping with reality and refusing to acknowledge facts, it's time for a new computer. I mean, I'm not computer-illiterate. I just have an old, shitty computer.
I'm too busy to have anything else to say.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Quotes of the day:
"Dick in my mouth, you know it." - Steven Shepard
"God, I am sooo tired of women; they think they're special cause they have a vagina and I don't." - Steven Shepard
Thursday, August 07, 2003
I think I've been to most grocery stores around here, and I've made one observation. HEB easily has the best designed shopping carts. It had two little cupholder holes by the handlebar, as well as a little rectangular tray to keep coupons, shopping lists in, etc. It had the standard pull-down child seat at the front where you can put extra things in, as well as the storage grate on the bottom by the wheels. But it also had a smaller basket at the front of the cart that can hold boxes of macaroni & cheese and things like that. Plus the wheels were either new or freshly oiled, because I was able to hop on and ride around the store and parking lot with reckless abandon. The concrete ramp leading outside to the parking lot provided an acceptable amount of downhill speed, so I was able to make it from the door almost to the car on the back of the cart. Bravo, HEB.
As if this wasn't enough, they had an impressive selection of Promised Land milk and Delimex taquitos. Not a giant Promised Land fan, but the taquitos are a major staple in my diet, as they should be with everyone. By the way, did I mention they have COKE ICEES? Those are one of the greatest creations of modern science, and I just can't find those anymore. It just warms my heart to know that at least one grocery establishment knows how to run a proper business. Man, fuck Randalls!
Oh yeah news bulletin: Ariana Huffington is running for governor of California in the recall vote. I love it. She's a very intelligent, blunt, pragmatic woman. Has her mind on the right track and would do this country some good. If she'd only run, I'd vote her for president. (By the way, she's an author and has a few books out, you should check them out.)
Would you like a list of who else is running for governor in that same race? Arnold Schwarzenegger (likely to win), Larry Flynt (publisher of Hustler magazine), Gallagher (the comedian who smashed a bunch of watermelons in the 80's), and finally... Gary Coleman. That's right, Gary Coleman of "Watchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" fame. Sweet Jesus almighty, this is hilarious! I personally would love to see Governor Gallagher. National Melon Day! *splat* Either that, or being able to wear a t-shirt with Governor Coleman's face on it and "bling bling" right under his face. Has anyone else seen that shirt?
Currently listening to:
AC/DC - Back In Black
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Ok if you were frustrated that I didn't elaborate as to why I was all hacked off, sorry. I just don't like a whole bunch of people knowing what's going on with me, especially the bad stuff. I feel selfish when I talk about my problems, so instead I just rant in a vague way about how people suck.
So I've been trying not to be pissed off this week and WOAH! I just saw Willie Nelson on TV, he was goin to town on a speedbag with boxing gloves on, Rocky-style. Man, that would really suck if you got your ass kicked by Willie Nelson.
You know what my problem is? I'm waaaay too nice. When I think about asking someone out and don't say anything, it's not because I'm too shy or afraid the answer will be no. It's normally two things. 1) I don't know if they're dating someone already, and I have this thing about accidentally flirting with or asking out someone who's taken. But most times it's.. 2) If the answer *is* going to be no, I don't mind it that much. I just wouldn't want to make it uncomfortable or awkward for them by having to say no, because from experience I really hate telling someone no. Of course that kinda screws me if they actually like me though, and that's happened. Isn't that completely retarded? Maybe I should learn to be a little selfish sometimes.
I'm going to a wedding in October. My really cool uncle who's only like 30 is getting married. Only thing is, I have to wear a tux. Damn. I hated wearing it for prom, it's too much of a big production to get it and it's all uncomfortable. Oh well, at least I'll look all spiffy. Or silly, if he chose really shitty tux designs for the wedding. You could all see pictures of me in a terrible powder blue tux, heh.
Currently listening to:
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary